European Climate Mission

Europe wants to be completely climate neutral by 2050. To achieve this, the European Commission selected 100 cities that are moving towards the target at an accelerated speed. These cities show leadership and pave the way for the rest of Europe by setting 2030 as an ambition. The municipalities of Helmond and Eindhoven, the two biggest cites of the Brainport region, have been selected as a duo city and are aiming for accelerated climate neutrality.

We developed the trajectory, positioned the climate mission and organized various labs to bring together more than 200 stakeholders for this ambitious gathering. The goal was to jointly define the breakthroughs and develop solutions. The target was to have all of the organizations involved commit to the unifying goal and dozens of actions that are being initiated. This extensive process involved lots of stakeholders. For example, the government officials like the minister of Climate and Energy (Rob Jetten), alderman of both cities and members of European Parliament. But most important to achieve the goal: Represented inhabitants, small and big companies, the regional design community, housing corporations, research and educational institutions, the airport, energy grid companies, and so on… They are the ones who will do it and that is why we let them help co-create the solutions. What if we succeed? – a tempting and ambitious motto was chosen to stimulate the imagination. Because imagine if this works…

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It was buzzing with energy last Monday, March 13, during the Solutionslab in the Evoluon, Eindhoven. With more than 200 representatives of social organisations, companies and relevant institutions, we have formulated dozens of solutions to make Eindhoven and Helmond Climate Neutral by 2030. A great ambition that was also personally reinforced by Minister Rob Jetten.

Municipality of Eindhoven and Helmond

Yellowchess has created a dynamic and substantively strong program in a committed and decisive manner. A pleasure to work together. I was impressed!

Koert van Mensvoort

Director of Next Nature

We have made great progress during the Transition Lab in the Speelhuis in Helmond! More than 160 social organisations, companies and knowledge institutions came together to take the next step towards the Climate Contract. And with success! There was a high level of commitment among those present to contribute to one or more initiatives.

Municipality of Eindhoven and Helmond